Publications describing the project:
Nordhoff, Sebastian, Mandana Seyfeddinipur, and Christian Döhler. 2024. Mobilizing archival collections: The Open Text Collections project. Paper presented at the Language Documentation and Archiving conference @ BBAW, Berlin -> video
Nordhoff, Sebastian, Christian Döhler, and Mandana Seyfeddinipur. 2024. Open Text Collections as a Resource for Doing NLP with Eurasian Languages. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Resources and Technologies for Indigenous, Endangered and Lesser-resourced Languages in Eurasia (EURALI) @ LREC-COLING 2024, pages 18–23, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL. -> pdf
Nordhoff, Sebastian, Mandana Seyfeddinipur & Christian Döhler. 2023. Introduction to Open Text Collections. Paper presented at the NLP Consumer Workshop, 2023-12-12 BBAW. -> pdf
Nordhoff, Sebastian, Mandana Seyfeddinipur & Christian Döhler. 2023. Zwischen Forschungsdaten und Buchveröffentlichung: Die Plattform Open Text Collections. Vortrag auf den Open-Access-Tagen 2023, Berlin. -> pdf
Nordhoff, Sebastian. 2023. Open Text Collections. Paper presented at Corpus Glosés: de la construction à l’exploitation automatique. 2023-06-28. -> pdf