Open Text Collections

The DFG funded project Open Text Collections at the BBAW

Submitting a proposal

Text collections submitted to Open Text Collections should be a coherent set of curated and edited texts. While we do not give strict limits, 10 texts would be a good start. We are building conversion pipelines for ELAN and FLEx data.

If you are considering publishing a text collection, please get in touch with or the regional coordinators listed on the regional boards page. If you want to go forward, more formal proposal guidelines and templates can be found below.


OpenTextCollections recommends that authors and/or compilers of text collections archive not only the interlinearized and edited texts, but also the source materials from which these are created. This may include audio-visual footage, transcription files, and/or scans of notebooks in case of legacy material. In the spirit of good empirical science and good data provenance, the source material should be made available for future research and for future generations of speakers.

For collections drawn together from the original documentary work of the contributor(s), we strongly encourage archiving the source recordings with a reputable archive so that these records are discoverable, available to the public, and preserved for future generations. We recommend selecting an archive from the DELAMAN network, a network of trusted archives for endangered languages and musics. Some archives have a particular regional focus that might be most appropriate to your collection, others are open to collections from anywhere in the world. You can search for member archives on the DELAMAN site and find more information about each archive on their individual websites.

For contributors who do not have another archive preference, the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) has generously offered to support the Open Texts Collections initiative by accepting collections from OTC contributors. To learn more about archiving with ELAR, please reach out directly via email to:

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